Regisration - International Women's Day Conversation (SDG Week)

Regisration - International Women's Day Conversation (SDG Week)

When: March 8, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm
Where: Castlegar Campus in the Gathering Place

This event advances SDGs 5 (Gender Equality) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities).

On International Women’s Day, we'll have an open, inclusive and respectful conversation about womanhood. Come enjoy some food and keep your hands busy with a craft courtesy of Anne-Marie Smith as we engage in meaningful conversation.

What Does womanhood mean to you? What does your culture teach you about womanhood, women’s roles, and traditions? What makes you feel empowered? Do you or have you experienced discrimination due to your gender? What can we do to support one another? Come share your insights, perspectives, and ideas.

This conversation welcomes the presence and perspectives of those who do not identify as women and is an LGBTQ2AI+ positive event. We encourage the insights and perspectives of all folks as we explore the intent behind International Women’s Day and the fight for gender equality and reduced inequalities across the spectrum