Selkirk College Emergency Funding Application

Selkirk College Emergency Funding Application

The Selkirk College Emergency Funding program is intended to support current Selkirk College students who are experiencing unplanned and unexpected financial hardship due to emergency situations.

You will be asked to provide the following information on your application:

- an explanation of how you planned to fund your current academic year
- your current financial resources and
- a detailed breakdown of the unforeseen expense

Consideration for this funding will be determined through an analysis of demonstrated financial need and any supporting documentation you can provide.

Note to Canadian students: It is expected that Canadian students will have demonstrated that they have applied for all other available funding sources including student loans.

Note to International students: If you are a 1st year student on a study permit in Canada, you have already declared that you are able to financially sustain yourself through the Visa application process. Any applications will be reviewed against this criteria.

Examples of emergency costs:

1. Loss of income, ie: job layoff or reduced hours leading to emergency living expenses
2. Unexpected travel expenses
3. Unexpected living expenses
4. Unexpected emergency medical and/or dental expenses
5. Unexpected repair expenses, such as vehicle, technology or home repairs.

Examples of costs not considered as unplanned/unexpected:

1. Tuition and fees
2. Vehicle insurance
3. Tires (due to standard wear and tear)

Eligibility criteria:

1. Full or part-time Selkirk College students who are currently enrolled AND attending courses at Selkirk College.

2. Demonstrated financial distress as a direct result of unforeseen expenses.

Note:The Selkirk College Emergency fund is not intended as a "regular" source of income.